ALA’s 2023 Annual Conference & Expo Recap

Jun 9, 2023 4 min read
Olivia Utley

Written by 

Olivia Utley
Marketing Specialist, ABC Legal Services. Olivia uses her passion for creative writing to create engaging media that showcases the quality services available at ABC Legal.

We had the pleasure of attending ALA’s 2023 Annual Conference & Expo last month in Seattle, WA. It was wonderful to have the chance to speak with some familiar faces, as well as lots of new ones. If you didn’t get the chance to attend ALA’s Conference this year, read on about what we experienced at ALA’s 2023 Annual Conference & Expo!

The Association of Legal Administrators (ALA) Annual Educational Conference and Exposition is recognized as the premier educational conference in the field of law firm management. This conference is designed around meeting the needs and interests of legal managers of all specialties and experience, whether novice or seasoned.

ABC Legal attended this conference for the opportunity to network with legal administrators and vendors. Other components for why to attend this conference are to learn about the latest offerings from businesses and attend thought-provoking presentations and interactive discussions with the legal management community.


Left to Right: Nadya Onishchenko - Sr. Manager of Client Onboarding & Almie Borromeo - Director of SMB.

Our primary goal at the ALA Conference was to talk to as many people as possible. We did not want to miss out on a chance at creating those personal connections. We were even awarded the opportunity to expand upon already existing connections by seeing some familiar names & faces stop by our table.

To engage with attendees, we made sure our booth had lots of fun activities. Cornhole was our most popular game and our rock 'em sock 'em station featured some good bouts. Techmobowl and Excite Bike were running on our retro Nintendo NES for all the gamers in attendance! With a prime location right next to the food court during a lunch rush, we had lots of people stopping by with questions. What does ABC Legal do exactly? How can you do service of process with no paper? What does a lobster have to do with service of process?

Two key elements that drew people to our booth ended up being two monitor displays and sunglass souvenirs. On our monitors, we had an ongoing slideshow showcasing our online platform and ordering process for an informal demo-like experience. Having visual representation created a wonderful experience for getting conversations started about service of process. This also represented our company efficiently, which is handled online allowing nationwide coverage from anywhere.


ALA’s 2023 Annual Conference & Expo was such a bright spot in our month we had to bring out the sunglasses. Left to Right: Tim Dinehart - CEO, Nadya Onishchenko - Sr. Manager of Client Onboarding, Aaron Ellazar - Director of Marketing, & Almie Borromeo - Director of SMB.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by and saw us at ALA’s 2023 Annual Conference & Expo. We would love to hear about your experiences from the conference. We know not everyone who wanted to make it out was able to. If you were unable to attend, we would love to connect about streamlining your service of process with ABC Legal. Reach out to Almie or Nadya to get started with the nation's top service of process provider. 

If you are interested in learning more about ABC Legal's upcoming events, stay in the know and look for updates on our events page. There, you can see all the current upcoming events we will be attending as well as any online webinars we will be hosting. 

Media Contacts:

Almie Borromeo - Director of SMB at ABC Legal Services.

Nadya Onishchenko - Sr. Manager of Client Onboarding at ABC Legal Services.

Olivia Utley

Written by 

Olivia Utley
Marketing Specialist, ABC Legal Services. Olivia uses her passion for creative writing to create engaging media that showcases the quality services available at ABC Legal.
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