Wrap up from RMAI 2022 Las Vegas!

Mar 4, 2022 3 min read
Aaron Ellazar

Written by 

Aaron Ellazar
With a 10 year background in enterprise SaaS platform marketing, Aaron leads ABC Legal marketing, working closely with product, sales and partner teams to showcase the depth and bredth of value offered by ABC Legal. Bringing together design, content , web and email automation and development, Aaron is leading the charge in marketing to find new opportunities and grow ABC Legal's market share.

Thank you everyone for joining and participating in RMAI 2022 with ABC Legal and Docketly.

RMAI Panorama

This year’s event was a special one, being the 25th anniversary of the conference. We were delighted to meet up with customers and start new conversations with firms who need efficiency and scaled solutions to tackle today’s challenges in creditors’ rights industry.

For some firms, the opportunity lies with courts resuming operations and hearing cases. Firms find their resources stretched thin, especially when it comes to attending all the hearings in various courts. To address those challenges, they may feel the need to take on additional in-office assistance but recruiting talent is costly and time-consuming. That is where Docketly can assist. Docketly gives your firm access to more than 10,000 appearance attorneys who can attend hearings on your behalf whenever—and wherever—needed.

For other firms, the opportunity lies in taking on new cases and ensuring optimal results in service to increase portfolio liquidation. Consumer charge-offs are at historically low rates. Being able to serve more cases at a lower overall cost is a high priority for a modern, successful firm. We talked to several firms who were unaware of the exciting Service of Process opportunities available to them. When it comes to getting cases served, technology and a deep understanding of compliance requirements and local jurisdiction are crucial to success.

Together, ABC+D is the savvy professionals’ partner in getting cases served, heard and office operations streamlined. If you did not get a chance to be one of the many we spoke to at RMAI, we invite you to take a look at our solutions. If you prefer to talk to an expert, start with a no-hassle consultation on how ABC+D can serve you.

RMAI 2022 Group Photo

Closing out the RMAI expo hall from left to Right – Rocky Ashby, Docketly VP of Operations; Almie Borromeo, ABC Legal Territory Manager; Tim Dinehart, ABC Legal CEO; Reid McNair ABC Legal Sales VP. We toast to your success!



Aaron Ellazar

Written by 

Aaron Ellazar
With a 10 year background in enterprise SaaS platform marketing, Aaron leads ABC Legal marketing, working closely with product, sales and partner teams to showcase the depth and bredth of value offered by ABC Legal. Bringing together design, content , web and email automation and development, Aaron is leading the charge in marketing to find new opportunities and grow ABC Legal's market share.
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