eDelivery™: What It Is and How It Works

eDelivery™ is ABC Legal's patented digital service that provides an alternative to traditional document delivery.

What is eDelivery™?

eDelivery™ allows recipients to interact with their delivery online, enabling a convenient and secure solution. Physical delivery attempts are still made alongside eDelivery™, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and maximizing delivery success.

Key Benefits of eDelivery™

  • Faster Service: eDelivery™ improves delivery times by providing recipients with an option to accept documents digitally.
  • Enhanced Security: Data validation steps ensure privacy, as recipients confirm their identity and address.
  • Supports Physical Delivery: Recipients can choose a time for in-person delivery or provide a new address if needed.

How eDelivery™ Works for Process Servers

  1. First Attempt with Attempt Tags: When an Attempt Tag™ is left, recipients are prompted to access the Secure Service Portal™ online.
  2. Online Engagement: Recipients can view their document delivery options and either accept electronically or assist with physical delivery.
  3. Secure Portal Interaction: Recipients validate their identity and address, helping to confirm accuracy in each step of the process.

Best Practices for Process Servers Using eDelivery™

  • Inform Recipients: If appropriate, let recipients know about the option to access the Secure Service Portal™ through their Attempt Tag™.
  • Monitor Job Status: Regularly check your job statuses in ABC Legal’s web portal for updates on eDelivery™ progress.
  • Maintain High Standards: While eDelivery™ offers an alternative, process servers should continue to attempt physical delivery when required.