
We want to help process servers be the best. In the hopes of growing together we put together information on some key areas of service of process and present those to you each month so that you can know where you line up.

At the beginning of each month you will receive an email where you can view your scorecard. (If you have only been serving with us less than a month this link will likely not generate a scorecard).

How To Improve Standings

Successful Service

Attempt at different times, make a good impression, and have a good attitude. How you present yourself makes a great impact on how people will react to your knocking on their door.

Be great at confirming residency. Be clear in your communications to determine if the person lives there. Don't be afraid to keep asking questions if things don't add up. Check with a leasing office and neighbors whenever possible, and if there is one on the coversheet, give that phone number a call. 

Keep up on your rules of service in your state, and the different types of service, such as how to serve businesses. Set time on your schedule to check up on these regularly.


Attempt at least every other day, and resolve each job as quickly as you can by getting the documents served or gathering enough evidence that we are trying at the wrong address.

If a jobs has turned red in ABC Mobile, it needs attention quickly! 


Check each order's requirements before approaching a door, both in ABC Mobile and on the coversheet. Customer's have different expectations, and jobs that come from out of state or out of the country will have different rules as well.

Make attempts every 48 hours and every 24 hours on rushes.

Always take a picture, either before or after entering notes.

Submit Attempts and Services AT the location so we have a solid GPS reading.

Report phone calls using the phone button and not by pressing Attempt. 

Know your rules of process of service, both in general and, if necessary, in your state. Whenever you're not sure about a rule, such as when you should NOT serve someone, check your resources.


The sooner we receive filled out and signed proofs of service back the better. 


Related Articles: Process Server Metrics