ABC Legal helps you efficiently order Legal Document Delivery to all 50 United States from abroad, as well as from the U.S. to over 88 Countries.
Have an international service job? At ABC Legal, our expert staff has the experience and skills to execute your specific request and provide solutions to your specific needs.
Over the course of 50 years, ABC Legal Service has created unique and valued relationships with Central Authorities worldwide by diligently working alongside them for service of process.
Under an exclusive contract with the United States Department of Justice since 2003, ABC Legal performs service-related activities on behalf of the U.S. Central Authority for serving private individuals and companies within the United States.
We are authorized to act on behalf of the U.S. Central Authority as the only recognized service of process provider that can receive requests for service through diplomatic channels for both civil or commercial matters submitted pursuant to the:
For requests sent pursuant to the Hague Service Convention and through diplomatic channels, ABC Legal acts on behalf of the U.S. Central Authority for incoming service requests only.
Outgoing requests for service in foreign countries do not need to be processed by ABC Legal. However, we can process your incoming and outgoing requests for service pursuant to the Inter-American Convention.
We understand the added procedures that must be followed under international conventions and service of process regulations.
Please contact: so we can discuss how we can support your international service of process needs.
More than 8,000 process servers. All 50 states and 88 countries.
As the only acting Central Authority of the U.S. Department of Justice, ABC Legal is the official and recognized provider for receiving the service of process requests originating from abroad into the U.S., pursuant to the Hague Convention, Inter-American Convention, and Letters Rogatory.