Subpoena Services

Keep your case on track with reliable service of process.

Industry Leading Technology


24/7 online access

Stay updated with real-time progress in your secure account and set up live email or text message notifications in seconds.


Comprehensive proof


Better statistics


Quote Icon Testimonial-1

I couldn't believe how easy it was to request for personal service out of our usual area. The website was easy to use and the subpoena took no time at all to download or for service to be completed! Thank you ABC Legal.

Anna Maria
Each Service
Standard $75 - $145
  • Dispatched to a local ABC process server
  • 4-6 service attempts
  • Outstanding online and live phone support
  • Photo & GPS data on every attempt
Place Order
Rush Service
Rush Service Standard + $65
  • Special Dispatch to process server
  • Expedited first attempt and 3-5 repeat attempts
  • Outstanding online and live phone support
  • Photo & GPS data on every attempt
Place Order

FAQ for Serving Subpoenas

What is a subpoena?

How do you serve a subpoena?

How is a subpoena legally served?

How far in advance must a subpoena be served?

How do you subpoena someone?

Does a subpoena have to be served in person?

Can a subpoena be served by mail?

The information on this page does not constitute legal advice and is for general, informational use. Due to the changeability of laws, the information on this page may not reflect the most recent local laws. Always consult current legal and civil codes in your area for the most accurate information.