Discover the app enabling process servers to do their best work.
Process servers quickly claim jobs, record service in the field, and eSign proofs.
Customer and court requirements are built-in so they can't be missed.
Evidence from service is recorded and updated instantly in customer accounts.
ABC Legal Mobile makes delivering documents easy. It allows process servers to explore work near them, claim jobs, report in, and get paid.
The app puts all relevant data at the process server’s fingertips, including information about the party being served, court diligence requirements, and special handling instructions.
Built-in route planning allows process servers to optimize their schedules, allowing them to deliver documents faster and with greater efficiency.
Getting unprecedented digital evidence to support service of process has never been simpler. Time-stamped GPS coordinates, photos, and details using a mobile device.
ABC Legal Mobile makes delivering documents easy. It allows process servers to explore work near them, claim jobs, report in, and get paid.
The app puts all relevant data at the process server’s fingertips, including information about the party being served, court diligence requirements, and special handling instructions.
Built-in route planning allows process servers to optimize their schedules, allowing them to deliver documents faster and with greater efficiency.
Getting unprecedented digital evidence to support service of process has never been simpler. Time-stamped GPS coordinates, photos, and details using a mobile device.
Ease of Use
"Having served papers for dozens of other companies -- hands down -- nothing compares to the ease of use and convenience of the ABC app...The app facilitates the documentation process and it corroborates the server's account, eliminating the need to justify attempts. "Veni, vidi, vici," that is: I came (gps coordinates), I saw (detailed description), I conquered (served)."
"I love that they zip-code everything. When you claim areas, you can try to match your zip codes up to another one so it’s a nice smooth route. ....I always let somebody know [when and where I am going]. I make a route plan, on the app, and I let my grandchildren know when I am out, [so] they can check where I am on my route. "