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We will review the details to better understand your needs. If it seems like you and ABC Legal could be a good match, we'll reach out to start a conversation.

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A word from Tim

Tim Dinehart_2025

Your business is more than just a name or a website; it embodies your dedication, sacrifices, and unwavering commitment. Each missed family dinner, late night, and challenging moment has been a step toward building something remarkable. At ABC Legal, we understand the passion and hard work behind your success. Finding the right partner to honor your legacy and provide fair compensation is essential. I am excited to explore how we can elevate your business to new heights, ensuring it thrives as part of the ABC Legal family.

Tim Dinehart | CEO

About ABC Legal

ABC Legal, trusted by over 50,000 professionals, including law firms, businesses, government agencies, and individuals, stands as the largest provider of service of process. We serve as the official process server for the U.S. Department of Justice. With a network of over 8,000 process servers spanning across all 50 states and 88 countries. We are headquartered in Seattle, WA with offices in New York, Los Angeles, Tampa, Miami, Chicago, Detroit, Oklahoma, Atlanta, and more.